Monday, September 30, 2024

One Word Film

Our first official video assignment was assigned to us a few days ago. It is called the "one word film". In pairs, we were given a single word, and we had to make a one minute to a minute and a half film representing that word in a story. We had to incorporate camera and editing techniques we learned in class. We couldn't use any dialogue, only instrumental music. My partner and I were assigned the word "hateful".

Our first phase of the project was to brainstorm. We started discussing characters, settings, and tone. After thinking of a story we created a shot list and a story board to help the visualization.

The story board was very useful. It helped my partner and I to be on the same page, and to make sure we were visualizing the same thing. It was also vital to the organization and post production process. We ended up tweaking and changing the final product from the storyboard, but it was useful regardless. We utilized Adobe Premier Pro for the editing process.

Overall, for a first video assignment I think we did pretty well. I enjoyed the quality of our footage and editing. We struggled to create a story that reflected "hateful"  but in the end we had a strong storyline. I think for next time we can focus on the continuity of our story, and have better cinematography. 

OWF project:

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Camera Shots/Angles Quiz


Last week in AICE media studies, in pairs we worked on our camera shots and angles quiz. It consists of telling a story through 15 pictures using the shots and angles we were taught previously in class. We had to use inanimate objects to help develop the visual story. And include 10 specific shots, but had the freedom to choose the other 5. The goal of this project is to show our full understanding of different types of shots and angles.

I approached the assignment by brainstorming different story ideas, something short and  simple since we only had 15 pictures. We decided on a kind of "long lost lovers", I suddenly envisioned a white eraser going through a perilous journey to reunite with its lover, a pink eraser. After coming up with this we thought of a main story line, the challenges the eraser would face before reuniting with its lover. We then decided the setting of the story, and that we had to incorporate dangerous challenges for the white eraser to encounter before reuniting with pink eraser. This included having to fly a paper airplane, encounters with a dog, and having to fight stapler guards. After, we made the choice to add little papers with faces on the erasers to know what emotion the erasers are feeling in every picture. This was a great help for the story-telling. Finally we created a shot list for organization.

I think we did a good job figuring out our story and assigning shots/angles to each picture. For the restraints and expectations we needed to meet we did a pretty good job of keeping the story fluid. We knew what we wanted each face, and scene to look like. We definitely struggled on time management. The original plan was to shoot in the classroom but due to timing we did it in a living room. We also struggled a little with getting our shots as good as we wanted, also taking up valuable time.

Researching for question 1 (CCR)

Hi blogggg :)) This whole CCR thing has me confused. I was absent while the teacher gave the lesson (I was competing at STN!! Which btw was ...