Fantasy Overview:
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- Magical elements:
TV show I chose: Young Sheldon
Young Sheldon is a spinoff to the popular sitcom called "The Big Bang Theory". This spinoff is about Sheldon's Coopers childhood and growing up in Texas during the 1980s as a child prodigy.
The show definitely has some impacts, for example creator bias. The creators of "Young Sheldon" wanted the story to align with the pre existing lore from "Big Bang Theory", so certain parts of the the storyline were already defined. They also wanted to expand the target audience so they made the show family friendly. Although it is still a sit com it is not filmed with a live audience or multi camera set up but instead in a single camera movie style, giving it a more cinematic feel.
The characters in this series are represented in their own way. For example, Sheldon Cooper, the main character, is shown as the smart nerd who can be selfish sometimes and always wants to outsmart others around him. This is shown through costume design, Sheldon is usually shown wearing plaid button up with bowties in all 7 seasons, which is very stereotypical style for a "nerd". He also has specific mannerisms. He speaks very formally with a high vocabulary level, with rarely any slang. His sentences' are precise and get to his point. He has a hard time understanding figurative language, often taking literally what others say. This makes his character seem clueless about social skills and introverted, which again are "nerdy". Sheldon is also characterized by always having a strict routine. He is visibly uncomfortable when things don't go his way or the way he had it planned, which is also reflected in his character in "Big bang Theory". Sheldon also has many different obsessions like scientists, trains, technology, and comics which he brings up constantly during the series. They play a huge role in his character and personality. Through all of these different techniques, "Young Sheldon" represents Sheldon as the smart nerdy pushover.
Another great example of a character in this show that is represented in various ways is Sheldon's mother, Mary Cooper. She is the humanized version of a typical southern mother. She has a very conservative style, typically wearing a knee length dress. She always has her hair back and looks modest. Mary rarely uses many accessories or heavy makeup. She speaks very formally, in a calm and composed matter. She is really patient, especially with Sheldon and the families needs. She is the main anchor of the Cooper family, keeping everyone in check. Her character is depicted as a stereotypical mother in charge of everyone and at home and the one with the most responsibilities. She cooks all the meals in the home and is seemingly the strictest to her children. Mary is also a traditional person. She is a very religious Christian that goes to church every Sunday and always brings up biblical stories. Her character is often praying in times of need or help. She refuses to partake in any activities that go against her religious beliefs like dancing, gossiping and cursing.
Last week in Media Studies, we started to learn all about sound. We looked at different types of sound techniques and how they are used in media. We also studied the art of foley. I never realized how big of a part sound plays in film, and how much it affects the viewing process. I'm grateful that we got to go into detail about it. We also learned about "Shepard tones", and its so impressive that by using layered octaves we can trick the brain into a "never ending" rise effect.
Hi blogggg :)) This whole CCR thing has me confused. I was absent while the teacher gave the lesson (I was competing at STN!! Which btw was ...