Thursday, October 10, 2024

Soundscape Project

 Last week in Media Studies, we started to learn all about sound. We looked at different types of sound techniques and how they are used in media. We also studied the art of foley. I never realized how big of a part sound plays in film, and how much it affects the viewing process. I'm grateful that we got to go into detail about it. We also learned about "Shepard tones", and its so impressive that by using layered octaves we can trick the brain into a "never ending" rise effect.

We followed up this lesson with a new project, the soundscape project. We had to tell a story using only sound effects and foley. It had to be 1-2 minutes long, and we needed to make at least 4 foley sounds for it. 
We got assigned into pairs and we got straight to work. We needed to first complete a brainstorming outline, detailing all of our scenes and the sound we would use in each one.
We then started thinking about what our story would be, and we settled on a football game. We split up our scenes and started organizing our sounds and which sounds we would make ourselves.
Our outline was really useful to me in the editing process because it reminded me of what sound effects i wanted in each scene and the overall organization of it. My partner and I both edited on Adobe Premier Pro.

Overall, I think we did a good job finding good sound effects and creating foley. But I think we could've created a better story, I ended up feeling like our project was generic and underwhelming. We also could have had a stronger start in the project editing wise.

Link to view project: Soundscape.MOV

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Group meeting #2

Hiii there blog!!  So before I get into anything I just wanted to apologize for how horrible my blogs from last week were. I sounded lifeles...