Friday, February 7, 2025

Credit Sequence Research

What’s up!! 

Today I will be analyzing three credit sequences from horror films (we have fully changed our theme to just horror, no drama). But you see, I have a love hate relationship with credit sequences. When I’m trying to watch a Disney classic like “101 Dalmatians” or “Beauty and the Beast” I feel like the credits just drag and drag and draaaaggggg. Like yes a bunch of important people worked on this film and they deserve all the credit but can’t it just wait till the end of the film!! That’s a personal opinion, but anyways I really want my titles to fit my theme and be creative, not just boring fonts. Maybe different sizes, some stretched out, some thinner. But we will see!!

#1 - Five Nights at Freddy's (2023)

I like that this credit sequence introduces you to the setting of the movie without giving too much away. The slow pans over the location lets you take everything in and use context clues to figure out it is a children's party pizza place. I also noticed the accent lighting of the claw machines and disco lights, as the rest of the building is very dark. In my film opening I want to have a similar vibe. Somewhat establish the setting without giving everything away. We want to have our main character setting up a romantic fancy dinner, and we could incorporate slow pans over the table as they set the table cloth and the silverware and such. The FNAF opening also leaves a bunch of context clues to the story like the children's drawings. Even though we are just doing an opening, we want to leave "clues" like maybe a broken picture frame. (I'm getting off topic let me write about the actual credits)
I love how the font of the titles "glitch" to other colors. I want to do something like that with ours, but like mentioned earlier, have blood splatters on the text (or maybe it progressively getting redder and redder). I also like how the font matches the vibe. How its like video game pixelated because the movie is based off a video game. I like how the beginning titles fade in and out instead of just popping up. It makes it feel like less of a jump scare. And finally, I like the fact that the text appears in different parts of the screen and not just in the middle.

#2 - The Silence Of the Lambs(1991)

This movie is a bit older but still a classic horror staple. I will say I do not like the color of the titles I feel like its very aggressive and too "bold". Especially for my own film opening, but I'm sure it fits perfectly with this movie For the aesthetic of my film I want the opposite. Smaller titles maybe in one of the 4 corners. I like the consistency of all of the titles appearing in the center. I would definitely use a similar font, just a bit smaller.

#3 - Fear Street Part 1: 1994 (2021)

I genuinely love this credit sequence. It is so engaging and foreboding at the same time. It also scares you a little with the screams, pictures, and blood. An insane amount of context to the storyline and environment in included through the use of the news reporter voice over and newspaper headings. I love how the titles are sort of incorporated with all the graphics. The only con is that its all graphics, none of it is film. But that doesn't mean we cannot be inspired from it. I love the use of the animated "doodles" I would love to include something like that in the opening. Maybe like during the "flashbacks" it can have doodles like that all over the screen. The title card is also something I would want to do similar. The scream as the red 1994 shows up is so perfect. I would love to do something similar in mine. 


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