Sunday, March 9, 2025

Researching for question 1 (CCR)

Hi blogggg :))

This whole CCR thing has me confused. I was absent while the teacher gave the lesson (I was competing at STN!! Which btw was a great success I placed first in both of my categories!!) so I had to call my group and ask them to explain. I have an overall idea now but wow the CCR is more work than I thought it would be... I mean yes this is an AICE class so it makes sense but I've never done a project like this before (not complaining though I much rather do that than write 900 words in an hour).

Question #1: How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues? 

Okay so we want to challenge the gender roles. Most of the time mass serial killers are male, and the victims female. We want to switch it around. The female is the killer. We want to flip the typical "male killer, female victim" trope. This immediately grabs the attention of our viewers and makes them question their expectations. In a way we are saying "women can be complex and dangerous too," which is something we don't always see in the media. By making the killer a woman, we directly challenge stereotypes about women being "passive" or always the victims. This is a way to break down outdated ideas about what men and women are supposed to be like.

Here are some websites that were useful while developing this blog post: 

Nash, Joy. “Gender Roles in Modern Society.” One World Education, One World Education, 2016,

Tutella, Francisco. ““Just as Deadly”: Inside the Mind of a Female Serial Killer | Penn State University.”, 2023,

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Color grading

 We want to color grade some scenes to make everything more cohesive. We aren't that good at color grading so we were looking at some tutorials. Here is all the important info I gathered and will be incorporating into a couple of scenes. 


The basic color correction panel is in my opinion the easiest and most efficient. It is especially useful to make overall adjustments to the color of the footage. For example fixing exposure issues, fixing white balance, and the overall look of the color. I would definitely use this on the parts of the opening with the red light "flashback". I want to make sure the other details are more sharp as the red light kind of swallowed everything.

The hue saturation curves. This is always a need no matter what kind of project I'm working on. I can pin point specific colors to make them more or less saturated. You can use it to change the color of objects or skin tones. So, the chicken looked a little dark in the raw footage and I want to correct the color a bit to make it look more like food. So i would use the hue vs sat to do that

Friday, March 7, 2025

Line Edit


Progress!! We finished our line edit on Adobe Premier Pro which is our chosen editing platform. We sorted through all of our footage (as you can see it is in the bin on the lower left hand corner), and chose the best takes. Then we put it im chronological order. Now all we have to do it cut everything down so that it fits the requirements. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2025


Hey Blog!!

Filming is officially over!! Here are some behind the scenes images from all of filming :) Overall it was super fun and I'm so happy I was able to work with Juan and Bella!!

We had to do so many takes of this scene because it is very hard to set a vinyl down on the record player on your first try.

Doing some wide shots of Bella lighting the candles. Here you can really see her full outfit (shoes, dress, hair)

Some handhelds, peep the "bloody" trash can in the back. 

The Publix rotisserie chicken in action. 

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Production: the dinner

Hi blog!! 

By far the hardest parts to film of the opening were the dinner set up scenes. Not because of what we were filming but how we wanted it to be filmed. We wanted to go step by step: plate, napkin, silverware etc. But a single wide with cuts would be too boring. So, in order to have flexibility during post, we had Bella (Elana) repeat the process 3 times. Once for wide, the second time for closeups, and third for a high angle. This took very very veryyy long but I know it will be useful for the post production editing process. 

Researching for question 1 (CCR)

Hi blogggg :)) This whole CCR thing has me confused. I was absent while the teacher gave the lesson (I was competing at STN!! Which btw was ...