Hiii there blog!!
So before I get into anything I just wanted to apologize for how horrible my blogs from last week were. I sounded lifeless and bored (I'm not bored just super tired!!!). Making up the 15 assignments and 3 quizzes I missed at STN while keeping up with regular assignment is pretty hard. But I'm officially back and caught up 😎
Now the actual contents of this blog post... our second group meeting! I was put in a group with Vanessa, Jacey, Pedro, and Tiziana. They all genuinely had amazing and creative film opening ideas. It was really nice to see others work and creativeness. There wasn't a single opening idea where I was like "wow this is so generic".
here is us posing with our blogs :))
First up was Vanessa. Her opening was about a resident who is in love with another dentist at the dentistry she works at. She kills any of her coworkers who try to get between them. I thought the idea of a dentist murderer was really cool and original, and it was even cooler that she actually filmed at a dentist office!! I love that she filmed on a digital camera because the footage came out so cool and old-timey (since her opening is set in the 80s). She was having trouble coming up with a name, and then she mentioned that her friend gave her the idea "The Residency" and we all told her she should use it because it fits the film perfectly in my opinion.
Next Jacey: Its about a tarot card drawing gone wrong. She cleverly titled it "The Last Draw" which is super clever. But she couldn't settle on a font so we tried to give her different ideas and suggestions. Her lighting is so cool.
After that it was my turn. I told everyone my idea and showed them what I have so far. We chatted about it for a bit and the only feedback I got was that maybe I should change the title to "Men slaughter" instead of "Manslaughter". I like it but I have to think about it and talk it over with my group.
Then went Pedro. His films name is "monotony" about a man who is a victim of the 7-5 life. basically every day is the same (like he's living a monotonous life). I think its interesting. He hasnt filmed anything yet though so we will see.
Lastly Tiziana who also hasn't filmed. I did not really understand her story. I know it has to do something with a baker. She was telling us she wanted to film at a gas station so we were just teaching her how to get the permissions to film on private property!
That's all for now blog, see you soon!!
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