Hello! Its week three of working on the film opening project, and today we did something different in class. Our teacher set up group meetings, where we were put into groups of 4 and took turns sharing our ideas and showing each other our blogs. As well as giving and receiving feedback. I was put in a group with Rehan, Vicente, and Emma.
I went first. I explained the main plot, our genre, and important details of the production. The group members really liked our idea, and they thought it was interesting. They thought the lighting details and music I want to include will really elevate the production. They did give me some feedback, they recommended I include something to symbolize all the men the main character has murdered. Or show a reason why she is a man murderer. Which I completely agree with, so I have to start brainstorming ideas with my group.
Rehan went after. I like his idea I think the genre is original. He is doing a thriller action bank robbery sequence for his opening. It may be a bit difficult to execute but I think its super interesting how hes throwing in thriller elements in a typical action sequence. We all also gave him advice on what type of music he should include and cool title ideas.
Emma then explained her film opening. Which is also something I was not expecting, a sport drama! I honestly have never seen a sports drama but I've heard great things about movies in that genre like Rocky and Challengers. She and her other group members also want to center it around gymnastics which made me nostalgic, I loved watching gymnast movies in my childhood. She may run into some issues with having an empty gym to film in. And she wanted to cast a young girl to play the younger version of the main character, which could be complicated. But with the right execution it should go well.
Finally, Vicente shared with us his culinary drama film opening. He didn't really have a lot of details or story but he still has time to figure it out. It is definitely inspired by The Menu and The Bear, which is good because he should try to use similar elements. Overall its not something generic which is good.
I'm honestly really glad i got to talk to my classmates because it helped change my perspective on a lot of things, and gave me motivation to make adjustments to my film opening. I think its always good to change perspectives and work with different people.
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