Friday, February 14, 2025

Finalized project idea


I know I mentioned the main idea in another blog post but this is the finalized version of the film opening!!

Genre: horror 

A woman is seen setting up for a dinner date she is hosting at her home. it starts with her playing a vinyl record (classical music), she then starts setting up the table. The credits will be incorporated into different elements of the scene. (Ex: a cutting board being moved and revealing a credit underneath.) We will include things like candles, nice plates, rose petals etc .But every time something is set, its cuts to some quick flashback where the lighting is dark and red(the music will remain the same but will be distorted, we are also including blood splatters in some scenes. When she’s finished setting up the table she picks up the knife and touches the blade and it suddenly shifts to the last flashback. The knife is still in her hand but this time, there’s blood all over the knife, her hand, her arm, and the camera shifts to see a body on the floor. It shifts back to see the woman get a text. She puts down the knife, takes out her phone to see who has texted her, and a guy (name unknown) texted her saying “Here” and on the phone screen, you can see several other guys who have texted in the past, their last messages saying “I’m outside,” “Just got here,” etc. The woman is seen smiling menacingly at the text and the doorbell suddenly rings, the title card being shown in sync with the ring. 

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Group meeting #2

Hiii there blog!!  So before I get into anything I just wanted to apologize for how horrible my blogs from last week were. I sounded lifeles...